
You have a story to share and we’d love to help you do that. As a token of our appreciation, if your submission is accepted we’re currently offering, as of fall 2020, $20 for a written account, $40 for audio, or $60+ for an interview if it seems warranted. The guidelines are simple:

  • The submission should be true as you understand it and related to something paranormal or not quite explainable. Although we love a good story, we feel that the universe is strange enough that you don’t need to spruce it up or send us fiction, which leads to the next point….

  • By submitting your account, you are consenting to have said content shared with our listeners and certify that you are the sole owner of the material.

  • Written accounts should, generally, be at least 250 words to qualify for the $20 bounty, which for our purposes will translate to about 2-4 minutes of on-air time. If your story is shorter, don’t worry, that doesn’t immediately disqualify you. Just talk to us about it.

  • Audio accounts should be at least around 3 minutes in length and be of decent fidelity. We appreciate that you may have limited resources when it comes to recording audio, but we can work with what you have to ensure it sounds the best it can.

  • We may ask you for an interview if we feel it is warranted, and that starts at $60. We understand that your time is valuable and the rate is negotiable, but please understand that our podcast is not currently monetized and this is all coming out of my pocket!

  • Payments are one-time only (my cats need to eat).

  • These are just general guidelines. If you have any concerns feel free to contact us.


Phone: (905) 519-8921